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January 18, 2008



That is good advice. Thanks. I am going to try it!

Thank you.


Fabulous! Looking forward to the new era with just as much enthusiasm as I've been reading the last.


You've come a long way, Baby! Compared to a couple of years ago on your old blog, you are now Master, or is it Mistress, of the Universe -- exuding self-confidence. That transformation has been wonderful to observe. Thanks for letting us watch and participate.

The hoarseness -- could it be a swallow thing. Some people, when they get tense or excited, don't swallow in their normal pattern. The throat gets tense and tight, then dry. Think about it. Be observant of your own habits. Keep water close at hand and take swigs often.


I know. It is strange isn't it? How I manage to speak up in spite of my fears. Most people have no idea how frightened I really am within. But I think that has made me clumsy at times - in my expression of things - the fear, I mean.

At some point in my life I realised that I have to bare myself to me - open it up and expose the underbelly of my shadows and fears - in order to get to know who I am and how my psyche works!


gosh, and i hold you as a model of open expression. to think you are initiating a new phase, of open expression, leaves me wondering how i will ever get the courage to be half as open as you have been until now.

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