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January 06, 2008



Thanks for not getting bored with my ramblings! I smiled at the idea of a video with me singing. It tickled me pink! I will will think about it seriously because I might have some fun creating such a thing.

It is always good to hear from you. You are always so supportive. Thank you!

Am grateful that you continue to read my blog. I was moved by your words that I strengthen the community.

mm! Hurray to hear from you again after such a long time. I will drop by your blog too to see how you are doing. (and will reply to your e-mail!) Happy New year!


... and I meant to say that I'm glad to return. Your blog reflects who you are I think - honest, questing and brave.


Congratulations, Tamar, and happy blogday. It's been far too long since I've been here but the question you pose resonates strongly. Why blog indeed? I don't have an answer but until I do I'll probably keep putting up posts anyway!

I got rid of my stats counter. I think it is one of the healthiest blog-things I've done. It's certainly helped to make me more relaxed about the whole business ...

I don't actually think I have many readers now but in a way that just brings into focus that if I am to continue to blog it has to be for me. The rest, including readers, I guess will (or will not) follow in their own good time.

That's what I tell myself. Not quite sure that I totally believe it though. :-)


Congratulations on 3 years of endurance! I've been reading you from my beginning about 2.5 years ago, and I can sum up your blog presence as: You've come a long way, baby!

We have all talked about our reasons and the stats and our roles and what the hell it all means, if anything, ad infinitum. Forget about all that. See Tamar's comment above. Just do it Your sotto voce is reason enough for many of us to come here each day. You strengthen our community...


Try to forget the stats. Keep doing what you're doing. Blogging. Your truth, your stuff, your world(s) according to Tamar(ika).

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