Tired of bein' so screwed up, so screwed up, so screwed up ... Annie Lennox
Over eight years ago, Bill, you screwed up. Badly. Really badly. And you delivered us into the hands of George W. Bush. I had such hopes and dreams for your presidency. But, you broke my heart and the soul of the nation. You said sorry. Yes indeed. You apologized. And many of us forgave you. I know I did.
But now, you are doing it again.
I am a baby boomer too, Bill. Just like you. And for the longest time I did not understand what it meant to be an adult. Until quite recently, in fact. If I can do it, so can you. Don't you think it's time to become an adult, Bill? I mean, think before you speak or act, man. Get out of the way.
I don't care about Hillary. She made her bed with you a long time ago, made her choices and stood firm by them. That's all right by me. I trust and respect her judgment and life choices. She is a life sister, no doubt about it, and I wish her well.
But, I have moved on - towards integrity and hope, and am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Am looking forward to a time when the name Clinton becomes part of past history, when we can sigh and shake our heads in fond memory as we tell old stories.
If you want to carry on carrying on, doing and apologizing, doing and apologizing, enjoy yourself, Bill.
But, I am joining Barack Obama and all those people out there, who are getting busy. Right here, right now, the future is upon us, and I intend to grab it with all I have. There's a nation and world to heal - lots to accomplish.
It's sad for me, a loss, as I bid you farewell. There is always a feeling of loss when we give up a life stage.
For now though, I'd rather go with a guy who admits that he did inhale.
Amen to that Tamarika. We need hope, and I feel that is the gift Obama brings for America and the world.
Posted by: aineliva | February 18, 2008 at 02:46 AM
Hello Ainelivia,
From across the seas, I see it is your dream too - the woman in the White House! I especially like it when Obama says that we need to talk to our enemies. *This* is what we need - for the nation and the world. I am *clear* about that!
Posted by: tamarika | February 17, 2008 at 07:41 AM
Am glad I'm not faced with this choice. It's the dream to have a woman in the White House, however, I feel something clear when I hear Obama speak. Clearer and clearer....
Posted by: aineliva | February 17, 2008 at 01:41 AM
Oh Tamar,
How sad I am to hear about that. I was worried that that would happen. Such ignorance - all bred from fear. Yes. I can imagine your worry about this...
Posted by: tamarika | February 11, 2008 at 02:50 PM
The hate/paranoia/racism here in Israel toward baruch obama is obscene, unabashed, and speaks volumes about us, pitiful humans -- swallowing lies, rumors, and ignorance to feel better, safer, smarter. I wonder how the relatively more polite USA is REALLY faring w this candidate, my hero, my candidate, and what -- come election days ahead they will really do in the privacy of the ballot booth.
Posted by: tamar | February 11, 2008 at 12:12 PM