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February 09, 2008



Amen to that Tamarika. We need hope, and I feel that is the gift Obama brings for America and the world.


Hello Ainelivia,
From across the seas, I see it is your dream too - the woman in the White House! I especially like it when Obama says that we need to talk to our enemies. *This* is what we need - for the nation and the world. I am *clear* about that!


Am glad I'm not faced with this choice. It's the dream to have a woman in the White House, however, I feel something clear when I hear Obama speak. Clearer and clearer....


Oh Tamar,
How sad I am to hear about that. I was worried that that would happen. Such ignorance - all bred from fear. Yes. I can imagine your worry about this...


The hate/paranoia/racism here in Israel toward baruch obama is obscene, unabashed, and speaks volumes about us, pitiful humans -- swallowing lies, rumors, and ignorance to feel better, safer, smarter. I wonder how the relatively more polite USA is REALLY faring w this candidate, my hero, my candidate, and what -- come election days ahead they will really do in the privacy of the ballot booth.

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