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February 21, 2008



But speaking of words, I was reading a Washington Post analysis by Steven Pearlstein and learned the following:

18 years ago as a 3rd year law student Obama was President of the most powerful legal journal in the country, The Harvard Law Review. He has written two books, and led the development of a 40 page economic agenda and a 15 page health care plan. He has debated and held his own not only against the Senator from New York (a policy wonk who has a brilliant command of facts) but also against a former Vice Presidential candidate (a skilled trial lawyer), a former United Nations ambassador, and the Senate's leading light on foreign affairs.

When his opponents try to diminish him by saying anyone can give a great speech, they are wrong on the face of it, but also they ignore the substance, the thoughtfulness, the leadership, underlying his campaign speeches.


So very well said, Tamarika. Hillary sounds so hollow and desperate in contrast, and every time she says something dumb, like charging that Obama is just words, she enlarges the hole she finds herself in.

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