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« Boxes and wires | Main | She will not get my vote. »

March 02, 2008



H.A. Page,
Am trying to remain hopeful but I fear that Clinton is going to bring Obama down into her style of dirty politics. Am saddened. Was I too much of an idealist? But lately, when Clinton says that all Obama has is a speech - it is so offensive that I feel as if she is saying it to me personally. It insults my intelligence. I am appalled by her tactics. Am trying not to "hate" her as so many do ... but I surely understand why so many people do ... I will not be able to vote in the general election if she is the nominee. In the end, I have integrity. How sad, how sad.

H.A. Page

Did you catch the new phrase from the opposition: Yes, She Can!

It was the crowd chant after the Tues. primaries. The thing is this, though: Obama's phrase uses we and with Hillary, it is all about I, I, I.


Hi Brenda!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Much appreciated. Yes, spring *is* coming, and even if Obama does not become the nominee, hope has been awakened and the national conversation has started to change.

Brenda Friedrich

I just discovered your blog and wanted to say how I like the introspective posts I've read so far. Out on a birthday weekend, I've been trying to uncover those signs of spring that typically bring me hope. They are a little slow in coming this year, so maybe I'll have to look more at the polictal climate!

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