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« ... with all due respect ... | Main | A tender conscience »

March 11, 2008



Kay - it is all simmering beneath the surface even though people think they are "playing nice." It is insidious and systemic.

Kay Dennison

Y'know, every time I think that we've grown in this country, someone comes up with this kind of crap. This time -- not surprisingly to me -- it was Hillary. Sigh


And he did!

Paris Parfait

I read this too and thought went I first saw the ad that it reminded me of growing up in the South in the '60s, with the issue of race - doctors' waiting rooms and entrances still kept separate; segregated schools. It's just outrageous that the Clinton campaign continues to play the race card. And what Geraldine Ferraro said reminded me of Barbara Bush's remark after Hurricane Katrina. Let's hope Obama wins big in Mississippi today!

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