Update I (& see below for Update II):
Quote of the day:
The past is receding; but the future has yet to be born. This is hard labor. Necessary labor. But the direction of this country is clear, it seems to me. And heartening. Andrew Sullivan
Watching Ada as she licks her fur clean, I cannot help but think of the expression, "Licking our wounds."
There are so many battles being fought here. Women versus men; black versus white; will of the people versus will of the political machine; religions versus religions; past versus future; young versus old; fear versus hope ...
There are some things that still ring true for me. I do not want a President who speaks of "obliterating" another nation, or who uses Karl Rove type distortions and half-baked truths - willing to tear anyone or all of us down for personal power - laughing all the way.
So, I hope we are able to rise up, up, up above all that, and reach for a higher vision. Have courage, America. We can still do this. No time to lose. Gather round ...
We can always lick those wounds on the way. There is a grand healing to engage in right here, right now.
Are you with us?
Update II:
This just in from my friend, Ilene:
The corporate media have been quick to buy into and promote the Hillary
Clinton campaign claim that she won the Pennsylvania primary by "double
digits," but the truth is, that involves a bit of creative rounding.
The final figures for the vote are that Clinton won 1,258,245 votes out of
2,300,542 cast, compared to 1,042,297 for Barack Obama.
If you do the math, that works out to 54.71 percent for Clinton, and 45.31
percent for Obama (From: This Can't Be Happening)
This cheered me up too:
Update III - April 24
Quote for today, April 24:
I can see the billboards now: “Hillary Clinton. Not as Bad as You Think.” Roger Simon
Roger Simon at Politico.com writes about Hillary: Don't Stop Believin'