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May 11, 2008



Hi Tamar,
I guess you meant to write to me - not Ronni? I am honored that you get our names mixed up : )
Yes, my whole family live in Israel. Thanks for your good wishes. I hope you are enjoying your stay "independently!"

Dear Danny,
From your lips to God's (?) ears! I would LOVE to write a book together. Any ideas? Let me know immediately! I think you should come to Philadelphia to discuss it! - Smiles.


I can't wait to read your new book, it is a subject that is near and dear to my heart (and my neuroses).

David Heath is a lucky editor but I still hold out great hope that we will work together again one day! If I can't be your editor, maybe we could write a book together. Hmmm...

Hope you had a great Mother's Day.


Beautiful sharing, Ronni, And, I didn't know that ima Beryl is here in Israel. I'd be delighted to pay her a visit, bring flowers or a favorite food as your emissary or simply as a blogging friend who shares your name. I'm in Tel Aviv until my "other" Independence Day: July 4.


Gee, Michali! Thanks for commenting and sharing how you feel. I will be seeing you very very soon ... Smiles. Your Aunty!


Thank you so much Tamari
I don't have anything clever to say
just that I cried and cried as I read this again and again
don't ask me why
a load of feelings I guess

I love it when you write about yourself!!!

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