Taking a break from the subject, I wandered over to Winston's site and discovered a meme! Although he did not tag me, I decided to take a breather and answer the six questions, perhaps trying to return myself to me, me, me, meme ...
- Ten years ago I was ... in Buffalo New York and completed my Doctorate. The graduation ceremony was very exciting for me. Surrounded by dearest friends and Tom's family, I walked onto the stage to become hooded and felt enormously proud of my achievement. Indeed, it is a day that I will always remember and cherish.
- Five things on today's to-do list ... Water the plants, edit a book for my publisher, submit a proposal to present at a conference next spring, work out, and go out to dinner with friends to celebrate Tom's birthday.
- Things I would do if I was a billionaire ... Create a special commune-orphanage for unwanted children with state of the art, aesthetic grounds, educators, facilities full of love, love, love ...
- Three bad habits ... Adoration of rich chocolate cake, always trying to understand the other person's point of view or feelings - often to my own detriment, and making a mess of relationships because I really do not know how to get it right!
- Five places I've lived ... Bulawayo, Zimbabwe; Manchester, England; Raalte, Holland; Jerusalem and Ramat Hasharon; Israel; Kibbutz Yizrael, Israel; Buffalo, New York; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ... and that's already more than five, I know, I know ... sorry ...
- Five jobs I've had ... Caregiver in a Children's house on a kibbutz; Preschool-kindergarten teacher in Israel; Librarian in the ESL Library of the British Consul in Israel; Director of the University at Buffalo Campus Child Care Center; Assistant professor of teacher education.
Seeing as I was not tagged, indeed, "stole" the tag, as it were, I am in no way privileged to tag another. If you, too, decide to steal a meme, do let me know, so that I can learn a bit more about you - hoo!
Wow, you've lived so many places. I like your meme and might do it later on... wonderful idea to share w/ readers.
Posted by: MotherPie | May 06, 2008 at 12:29 AM
Hm ... I see that chocolate cake has received a few rounds of support! Hurray! What happens, though, when it replaces all sorts of other desires? Hm? Lots more for me to think about.
So good to read comments from Michal, Ilene, William, and Winston.
Tamar, thanks for the tip about "Yaldey Hashemesh." I will look into it for sure!
Ilene, special thanks for finding good qualities in what could be considered a "bad habit" sometimes! You are rapidly becoming a very good habit for me!
Posted by: tamarika | May 05, 2008 at 05:58 PM
I sure enjoyed reading this oneā¦
Yours always
Posted by: Michal | May 05, 2008 at 01:39 PM
Re chocolate cake: What a FABULOUS cake. I know I know, I shouldn't eat it but OMIG, it was incredible with a little coffee in the icing. Reminded me of my Aunt Fay's mocha birthday cakes that she always made for me.
As for always seeing the others viewpoints, it does come with a toxicity: you run the risk of absorbing their vibe (bad if it's depressed, angry, etc.). But it's the burden of a conciliator and a peacemaker and I find qualities of both in you.....
Posted by: Ilene | May 05, 2008 at 08:40 AM
Amazing, amazing. If only real billionaires shared your sensitivities, dreams, priorities...alas, they would probably (and do) not have had the same kinds of jobs as you...
Have you seen the new documentary yaldey hashemesh (children of the sun)? Footage from the 1940s through today of kibbutz children, from birth to now, their and Israel's 60th birthday. As we view the film, an unseen audience of these "children" reflects on the events and experiences onscreen. Worth seeing.
Posted by: tamar | May 05, 2008 at 01:25 AM