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May 07, 2008



I think Bob Herbert's Op-Ed today pretty much summed up how I feel about all of this:

I, too, do not like the idea of an Obama-Clinton ticket at all. But I trust Obama's judgement about who he would choose to be his running mate. Ah, Edwards ... well. That's not going to happen! He's held back far too long, in my opinion.


I'm hoping for an Obama/Edwards ticket. We need a period of high-mindedness in our leadership, a time when we can fix what has been broken, restore the distinction between government and business, address the real challenges of this millenium like climate change and a need for new sources of cheap energy that are not combustion based. Obama/Edwards would assure me of continuity, a unity of vision. I think an Obama/Clinton ticket would just mean that the dream would die at the end of Obama's time in office.


I hope that he is sincere in rising above, and staying above, the name calling and the ridiculous fray that has been taking place the last few weeks. Surely, there comes a time when a person must acknowledge the mad dog biting at their heels and defend themselves, but Obama is better than to let himself sink into the mire that Clinton and McCain have contrived. And because he is better than that, he will also be a better President. He has the courage to take reasoned stands against the forces of business as usual.

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