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May 14, 2008



Joy - so good to hear from you about this. The days and weeks and months ahead are going to be fascinating! I've got my "hope" as fired up as can be!

Joy D

I totally agree with what you wrote. I've been for Obama all along and have become progressively more irritated with Hillary (Billary). I'm an older white woman from the South who is voting out of my demographic.

I can't believe nothing has been done about the war crimes and other horrible actions of this administration.


Thanks so much for the link. Much appreciated. It is heart warming for me to read the comments posted at your site about this. We are not alone. Hope is on the way!

It is good to hear from you again. I am starting to have a good feeling about the outcome too!


Hear, hear, T. And I echo Jean's views about the Labour Party here in the UK. Am feeling sick of Hillary's tactics, and just plain sick. I feel let down by her as a woman, I expected integrity from her, and am so disappointed.

Am with you and hoping "after winter, must come spring" as Lauryn Hill sang. Please don't give up hope, I have a good feeling about the outcome, because despite all the media spin, I believe that the people of America want change, and Obama. Big Hugs.


My reflection of your opinions, enhanced (I hope) by my own thoughts, is now published.

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