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May 06, 2008



MotherPie: This is the very morning to be "ranty!" If not now, when? Thanks so much for your comments.


Great quote...I've yet to read the papers this morning. I came across a James Carville quote on Hillary and Obama --"if she would give him one of her cojones, they would both have two."

I think some are realizing that there are serious issues to be faced. With just completing a master's in media studies, with a big focus on political communication, I feel that the blogs are perhaps one of the hopes we have for democracy to overcome the selling of the candidates with sound bites. We need substance. This long conversation might be good for the country.

A viral social shift is needed... in politics, in lifestyle choices to save our earth...
Along with needed consensus, we need inspiration for change along values besides consumerism. And selecting a president should be more than communications meant to sell in sound bites to a passive audience that refuses to engage and think.

Wow. A little ranty this morning.

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