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June 21, 2008



Yes! Beautiful! Introspective and communal both at the same time!

Thanks so much, ell.


I think this is a uniquely blogger thing - the writing, reading and responding. It's both introspective and communal at the same time.

Glad you looked after your health, Tamarika.


Yes. It is true that I am often thinking of a blog post as I go about my day. However, I don't often dream about it as vividly as I did on Friday night. I have been missing the constant back and forth of writing and reading others - keeping up with my favorite bloggers' news.
Thanks, Tamar and Winston, for your comments.


First, mazal tov on taking that giant step forward that you had postponed — to address a health issue . NOT easy.

Next, blogging is on my mind a lot, whether I'm composing thoughts (I always have a backlog of posts in draft form... mental and electronic) or wondering how to get through a blogging block or impasse (leave it alone is my best advice to myself). Last week, I hosted an interview via my MacBook in which an Israeli blogger (in English, usually) tells of walking around w multiple posts in her head, and how no writing form is as gratifying (not a little because the blogger alone determines content, style, and everything else!). I felt in good company listening to On the Face: Lisa's very cool interview with Stephanie.


Aside from the blogging in my head, which I assume most of us do from time to time, I too have blogged or written in my sleep. Sometimes it is simply a small discovery while in the care of Morpheus -- discovery of how to start or how to finish or how to color the spaces in-between, discovering details which havd been eluding us for days or weeks of wakeful thought.

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