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July 11, 2008



Hello there, ell (ellen). Ah - a fellow traveler ... thank you for reading and relating.


I read your blog because I relate to many things your write. For example, when you say things like this:

"I think the writing Tamarika (ell) is different to the in-the-flesh Tamar (ellen). In the former, I have courage and insight. And with the latter, I am more vulnerable, afraid, confused, and complex."


What beautiful gifts I received here through all of your comments. Thanks so much for sharing what this post made you think and feel! Very much appreciated.

I can't for the life of me remember the incident about seemingly blowing off the idea of coming out to CA to see you. Of course, I believe you 100% because it so sounds like me. Wow! Thanks for hanging in there with me through it all.

What a beautiful expression: "from the rivers of my childhood ..."

I think we all go back and forth with self-alteration work. Good luck with yours. Half the battle is allowing oneself to become aware, I think. Don't you?

Thanks, as always, for stopping by to comment. You have such kind and supportive things to say to me. I am so glad that what I write resonates for you.


Tamarika – I read this blog first of all because I love you
Secondly because I appreciate what you have to say
And also I identify with many of your feelings and attitudes
I comment – again because I love you
Love is a strange thing ha?!
Makes us do a bunch of stuff….

It's nice to know you appreciate the comments… because they are supposed to be little gifts for you…

By the way – I personally never read blogs that are written by people I don't know and love
It is only those people I know and love that I am interested in knowing deeper – you mentioned about intensity… well I am pretty intense too

And since I also write, I also know how much easier it is to express ourselves in writing (this doesn't refer to everyone of course)

And I, like you, love to get to know people – to the depth of them – I love reading your blog
Especially since my love to you is not a new love… it is a love I was born into… from the "rivers of my childhood"….

Smiles and kisses
Yours always


I can relate to a lot of this as well. I'm always fascinated by people who can launch into terribly long accounts of something that happened to them without the slightest self-consciousness that people are interested in what they're saying (and they often aren't) when I, like you, also worry in face-to-face encounters that I'm taking up too much time, too much space, too much energy. However in my blog I feel totally free to ramble on and on and on without that fear because I know people can choose to read or not read it. My blog writing IS the real me, but it does not always reflect the social me nor do I want it to, it is a different kind of outlet for me. My writing on my blog is usually very different from my face-to-face exchanges with people and I like it that way! But like you said, I am a combination of the two.

I also relate to your issue of giving mixed messages as a result of your insecurity. I do that, too. I remember that time years ago when I got the wrong impression when I mistakenly thought you were blowing off a trip here because it wasn't that important to you and only later realized that your initial reaction was a defense mechanism. Such interesting stuff!

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