There is nothing I enjoy more than sitting with Ada as the evening falls and a cool breeze rises. Well, there are other things I enjoy, to be sure, but sitting silently at dusk with Ada listening to the final peeping of the cardinals gathering one or two last seeds at the feeder for the day, is ... well ... magic.
The family of wrens who took over a planter on our patio have moved on with their fledged young-lings and it is still and quiet. It has felt like empty nest syndrome all week since they flew away after weeks of hustle and bustle, chirping, warbling and "sh ... sh ..." warnings as the mama and papa wrens fed their babe-lings.
It is muggy all right. And hot. If I stop to listen I hear air conditioners all around whirring and grinding. I allow myself to be bathed in heat and Ada sighs stretching out a paw towards me.
Today I spent some time reading my blog posts from last summer. It feels like many years ago. So much of the stresses and concerns of this past year have gone, disappeared, blown away. Poof! It amazes me how tenaciously I held onto "stuff" and "baggage" for so long. Wasted time? No regrets. That was then and this is now.
"Moosh, mooshini little angel girl," I whisper to Ada as I stroke her fur from the tip of her head and all the way along her back. She turns her head slowly, tail swishing ever so slightly, and stares with a full gaze into my eyes.
A year ago at Mining Nuggets: Melting the ice