This morning I took a walk up to Chestnut Hill and stopped by the Night Kitchen Bakery. I haven't been there for awhile but recently I was nominated for a position on their Facebook page and, feeling a sort of friendly ownership, I wanted to see how they are doing.
Plus, I wanted to check out their Obama cookies.
[Sadly, I cannot eat them lately because I am enjoying the fruits of the South Beach Diet, which denies me such tasty treats!]
Life just keeps coming at you. Make no mistake, it's out to get you, and in the end it will. But every so often, you can catch a piece of it and make it do what you want it to, at least for a little while. You've got to stay alert, though. Heads up so you don't get caught off base, though if you do, what the hell, it's not the ninth inning, until it is. Jane Juska
Changing into my swim suit in the women's locker room at my gym, I overhear three women talking about the election. I move in closer and hear them laughing out loud. One of them says that Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream will be realized come November. I mutter, "Amen to that." The same woman says loudly and boldly to all of us, about ten others, dressing and undressing in the locker room, "I am a Republican - always was - but what do they think they are doing? They can't just throw us any old woman and expect us to fall for that! We just aren't that stupid! No, sir. I am voting for Barack Obama in November! Republican or not!" Lots of tittering and twittering now, nodding of heads and smiles of agreement. I go out to the pool, smiles and hope growing and beaming within. Perhaps the nation is evolved after all, I think to myself as I plunge into the soothing pool waters to breast stroke my way back and forth, back and forth for the next twenty minutes or so.
It is these types of small moments that keep me hoping that we are headed in a progressive direction. I used to fear ignorance, and try to side step when it crossed my path. Lately, I have decided to confront it head, heart and mind on. And, like all fears, once I stare it down, it begins to whimper and back away.
Let us hope that everyone realizes, like that woman in the locker room yesterday that: "We just aren't that stupid!"
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