Visiting Longwood Gardens yesterday with Gilad and Tom, who snapped the shots:
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Visiting Longwood Gardens yesterday with Gilad and Tom, who snapped the shots:
Posted at 10:35 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Posted at 07:06 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Well. It has been fun counting down to Thanksgiving Day. While I wrote only five count-down posts, these past five days had me thinking about everything and everyone I am thankful for. It has been a great exercise. First of all it had me waking up every morning wondering what I would be writing about in my blog. It reminded me of the good old days when I began blogging, and had so much to say that I would be writing at least once, sometimes twice a day. Second, I realized that I have much to be thankful for. There were days when I found it difficult to focus on only one thing or person for my gratitude post. I probably could have spent many more days writing about all that I am thankful for. Third, it made me happy, hopeful, and optimistic. Reflecting on gratitude inevitably brings up really good feelings along with, in some cases, the pain of healing and forgiveness. It makes me feel that, all in all, my life is good. And how strange. Just as I am writing this post, I receive my daily email newsletter from Child Care Information Exchange, and apparently there is research that says gratitude is good for your health. I'll give thanks to that! Finally, as luck would have it, yesterday as I was putting the finishing touches on chicken soup and chocolate cake in preparation for my son's arrival, he called from Boston airport to say that he had been bumped up to an earlier flight - on first class no less! I threw off the T-shirt full of flour and parsley clippings, donned an old sweat suit and flew off top-speed to the airport. As I was sitting there waiting excitedly to meet Gilad, a young fellow approached me. He just happened to be a cameraman from our local NBC10. When he asked if he could film our "reunion," I said, "Sure!" So, check out this video clip. The advertisement at the beginning takes a few seconds, and if you wait until the last bit you will see me greeting my son at the Philadelphia airport yesterday. What fun! (Oh, and if the advertisement jams or freezes up on you? Just refresh your screen and all will be well ...)
Posted at 06:54 AM | Permalink | Comments (4)
Gratitude abounds for my Cyber connections, on this my fifth day of count down to Thanksgiving. This includes blogging, Facebook, Twitter, or net-surfing in general.
Indeed, ever since I started blogging in January 2005, my life has changed. For starters it is as Frank Paynter once described it in answer to a blog post that I wrote:
This is a playground. Web publishing is the society that contains the playground.
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random arbitrary things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Posted at 07:36 AM | Permalink | Comments (4)
Today I give thanks for Shimon. He is my nephew, just two years younger than me always and forever since we were born, son of my half-brother on my father's side. But really he is so much more than that. He is like the brother I never had. When we were children we played with dinky cars and maneuvered them into each others' parking spaces. When we were young, he taught me that by pushing my lips together and flapping them as I blow through them with all my might, I could turn a raspberry sound into the rumble of a truck.
Shimon is one of the first people I communicate with every morning for years. He is the person I laugh with - until my sides split - until my stomach aches - until tears roll down my cheeks. All he has to do is lift his baby finger while drinking a glass of anything, especially at a dinner party with all kinds of guests present - and I start to laugh uncontrollably, embarrassingly, shamelessly. Indeed, I sometimes have to leave the table to gain control of my behavior. He understands me perfectly well, and has the intelligence and emotional insight that matches mine word for word - feeling for feeling. On the few occasions I get to stay over at his house, we both get up very early in the morning and whisper and laugh quietly so as not to wake anyone else up. He and I made a pact years ago that we would never have a falling out (he calls it a "ferebel") - no matter what! We have been there and done that and did not like it - no sirree - do not believe in it. And so, we tell each other our troubles, talk things out, tell each other the truth about how we feel. We know how to apologize and love one another through thick or thin, rain or snow, and, especially, Scrabble wins or Scrabble defeats!
Posted at 07:22 AM | Permalink | Comments (3)
This morning I woke up thinking about what I am grateful for. This count down thing is becoming difficult. It is hard for me to isolate one specific thing. It seems that I am thankful for so much. By now, those who read my blog know that I am crazy about Ada Mae. So, I will not bore you with how thankful I am for her presence in my life. And, I am very, very grateful for my son and life partner. I mean, surely that goes without saying? I will ruminate on that and get back to you with a post about them, perhaps. In the meantime, here is what I wrote about them both in the Preface of my new book: "Thank you to my son, Gilad Barkan, for having the courage to tell me how he feels, and to my husband, Tom Jacobson, for having the courage to hear how I feel. I am truly blessed to have these two wonderful men in my life." (Page xiii)
Posted at 07:08 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
In my heart, a thousand joys from knowing you.
In my heart, a thousand conversations replayed.
In my heart, a thousand smiles shared.
In my heart, a thousand thank yous for your friendship. [the words in a card I received yesterday from an old friend]
Posted at 07:48 AM | Permalink | Comments (3)
... To Thanksgiving. I found this idea over at Shorty PJ's! I hope Mary will not mind my borrowing her idea. Indeed, I am grateful for Mary B's blog for many years now.
Posted at 09:40 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
The way I watch scary movies, whether they are thrillers or horror stories, is by running to the kitchen when a violent or tense piece arises. I jump up and dash out of the room, either to the kitchen or bathroom and from there I either peek through my fingers or call out, "What's happening?" Life partner is very understanding. He calls back, "Don't come back yet!" or, "Thus and such is happening now," and, "You can come back now."
Posted at 07:41 AM | Permalink | Comments (6)
Quote of the day
Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future. Paul Boese
Am I back to blogging? I mean, about me?
Posted at 08:29 AM | Permalink | Comments (2)
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