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November 22, 2008



I am glad to see that you are keeping your eye on Sarah Palin too - even from afar - from across the seas.


I smiled when I read this Tamar, because I don't watch scary movies at all. It involves too much shifting, from the couch to behind the couch, etc, etc.

However when you got to the Sarah Palin bit, I began to feel quite scared. I do not recall every watching any news footage of Sarah Palin making a coherent speech, that did not involve trying to diss the opposition. She is unfortunately one of those humans who's way to getting your approval is to tell you how bad the other guy is; what they never tell us, because they are too busy being "hockey-moms" like us, so much so that I suppose people don't question; is what they are going to do. Bush was the last one, and unfortunately we didn't get to know what he would do - because someone else was deciding for him - until he was already elected.

I'll just go back behind the couch now with a good book. It's safer there... and maybe I'll check out that youtube link too.

all the best al


Thanks so much for your comment. I am already subscribed to, and am thrilled (thanks to the link you gave me) to be subscribed to the youtube changedotgov now as well.

John LeMasney

Your willingness to be removed from damaging media rather than to 'toughen up' is part of what makes you special. Please don't toughen up. You also may want to consider subscribing to Obama's official transition team youtube account, which will likely provide you with all you would want to know about the process.


I know what you mean, Kay. That's why I have to toughen up and watch what's going on - at the very least, to report what I see and think about it all.

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