Quote of the day
And it [blogging] clearly serves a positive function for me - not just the therapeutic value of pouring out said sorrows, but also the positive effort required to make sentences, paragraphs, take photographs. It brings me out of myself as much as it allows me to go in. Says my friend, Jean in an email to me today.
Checking out Twitter this morning, I found an update from Andy about a meme that is apparently traveling the Internet lately:
Five things I do that help me keep mentally well.
Although I am not aware of the rules about how and what and who to tag and such, it sounded like something I felt like thinking about. Mental health is of paramount importance to me, as I am sure that most of the readers, who stop by here, know by now. Plus, Andy described in his Twitter update that he could only come up with two - which gave him pause to reflect further. For me, that became an instant challenge to myself.
So, here goes: Five things I do that help me keep mentally well.
- Number one: Self alteration work in any form that I can - therapy, journaling, group therapy, bibliotherapy ...
- Number two: Reading - mainly non-fiction, but lately I am enjoying reading memoirs and learning about other people's lives. It feels almost like participating in group therapy or support group work.
- Number three: Walking, practicing yoga daily, and especially pranayama [breathing type meditation exercise].
- Number four: Opening myself to loving - life partner, son, cat, friends, nature, humankind, work, students, colleagues - life! This has developed over the years through deep, tough, excruciating self alteration work and by allowing myself to feel angry, and, thus able to forgive.
- Number five: Most important of all. I have learned to separate myself out from other people's deeds, behaviors, or words, and realize my own reality.
In conclusion, I must add number six: Blogging. Writing this meme. Expressing myself out there to the Universe - the Cyber space community - because, as Jean says: It brings me out of myself as much as it allows me to go in.
Andy G. Thanks for stopping by! And for the idea in the first place.
Andy B. I am sure you do other things too. What about that wonderful photography work you do? Although, I surely don't need to be telling you what *you* do for your mental health! I know that I would love to come back to London for a meet-up in that pub with you again. That was excellent for *my* mental health! And we could talk about all of this some more ... differently perhaps : )
Hi there, Kay!
Posted by: tamarika | December 02, 2008 at 05:57 AM
Thanks Tamar! "allowing myself to feel angry, and, thus able to forgive" - couldn't have put it better myself. Grrrr...
Posted by: Andy Gibson | December 01, 2008 at 08:12 PM
Good choices!!!! Blogging and reading have helped me immensely!
Posted by: Kay Dennison | December 01, 2008 at 10:33 AM
Fwiw Tamarika, the question originally arose here: http://mindapples.org/2008/11/28/calling-all-bloggers/, found via Euan http://theobvious.typepad.com/blog/2008/11/five-things-i-d.html (the comments form seems to lose embedded html...)
Oh, and my two are motorcycling (the concentration needed to stay alive is such as to push all other woes and worries to one side!) and music, especially making music with friends. There have been others, but they're all dormant right now.
Posted by: andy | December 01, 2008 at 09:59 AM