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December 01, 2008



Andy G. Thanks for stopping by! And for the idea in the first place.

Andy B. I am sure you do other things too. What about that wonderful photography work you do? Although, I surely don't need to be telling you what *you* do for your mental health! I know that I would love to come back to London for a meet-up in that pub with you again. That was excellent for *my* mental health! And we could talk about all of this some more ... differently perhaps : )

Hi there, Kay!

Andy Gibson

Thanks Tamar! "allowing myself to feel angry, and, thus able to forgive" - couldn't have put it better myself. Grrrr...

Kay Dennison

Good choices!!!! Blogging and reading have helped me immensely!


Fwiw Tamarika, the question originally arose here:, found via Euan (the comments form seems to lose embedded html...)

Oh, and my two are motorcycling (the concentration needed to stay alive is such as to push all other woes and worries to one side!) and music, especially making music with friends. There have been others, but they're all dormant right now.

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