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« Allowing dreams to soar ... | Main | The morning after »

January 20, 2009



Yes, Lisa. I agree. I feel so fortunate to be part of this. So fortunate and happy.

lisa m

i just keep thinking how blessed we are to live through this time, and how doubly blessed the children are, for they will live in a truly different world than us.


Dear Danny,
I am so thrilled with your comment. It is a day that I will never, ever forget. I loved the way Forest Whitaker said (on the Oprah Show yesterday) how the day after November 4 he went outside and looked around and thought to himself, "Did the air change?"
Thanks for sharing the moment with me. I appreciate it so much.


This is the first thing I'm writing from the reality of President Barack Obama, whose presidency is less than an hour old. I remember well how you wrote about him two years ago, back when the idea that he would actually become our 44th President seemed like a completely impossible dream.

What a journey. What a day!

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