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« Engendering gender | Main | Allowing dreams to soar ... »

January 15, 2009



I'm always glad, and may I say, surprised? - when my words help others find their own!

Let me sound trite (ahem, or preachy?) here - but payment doesn't always come in the form of $$$ - I get so much from my blog that money couldn't pay for. On the other hand ... money is cool, cool, much needed stuff!! Good luck with your *other* work!
Smiles and cyber hugs!

Kay Dennison

"Trying to please my mother was like having a stone around my heart."

Thank you!!!! You said what I've been trying to say for decades. You've no idea how much your words have helped me.

I am glad you're going to continue here.


Woo-hoo! I am thrilled that you'll be continuing for now. I relate to all your reasons for blogging. If only we could get paid for it! Oh yeah, we have to do other work, too. Which is way I'm on my own self-imposed hiatus for a bit...

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