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March 28, 2009



Dear Donna,
I can tell by your comments, that a lot is on your mind about so may topics. Methinks it is time for your own blog! What say you? The blogging community will welcome you with all its cyber tendrils, because you have so much that is worthwhile to share!

Donna Falcone

So true and ironically something that cannot be really accepted until we have experienced it with the memory of seeds planted long ago... when we can say "I remember when so and so said this to me... now I know what she/he meant". I feel such gratitude for those gardeners who planted those seeds in spite of the fact that they appeared lifeless to the naked and impatient eye. I feel such gratitude for the slow and steady germination, and the bursting forth of new life when exactly the right conditions have been met. When I am able to see the full cycle of seeds sown to their fruition, I am able to see that readiness is everything, and the options we offer come in the form of seeds. Even though they lay dormant for a while they are far from dead... they are not without hope or promise... they are merely waiting for their time.



in my life i recall knowing at some level that a relationship i was in was not healthy for me and was not working. in my inability to embrace that information fully i refused to make any changes. then suddenly a few years later something occured which apparently tore down the fence which had kept me on the perimeter instead of deeply connected to myself...and i stopped in my tracks, made a decision to change the direction of my life, and took care of myself. it was clearly an example of my not being ready or able to accept or act on information which was always available to me but which was just too painful for me to own.

Kay Dennison

"You just cannot do what you are not psychologically or emotionally ready to do."

This says it all and I realized it a long time ago. The trick is figuring out how to get to that point.

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