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March 19, 2009



Beloved respected Amaravathi Devi
kind regards. I am narayanan,incharge of salem pranayoga center.Founder was swami sivalingam.happy to cotact know our swami sivaligam(swami vignanananda) passed away in salem india. for
[email protected] contact/


I'm very late to the game here Tamarika. Happy Belated Anniversary to you. I remember that picture of you...and I have always loved it. Gilad is very his song.

Josh Thompson

The joyous music, the elegant photo (what a lady beside a lovely lake!), the cause of celebration: a decade of covenant living, a son - a child - a life given and returned to honor his mom - and then the consecration to meditation and spiritual nurture, now all that shared here w/ us, bloggers, far flung, each in our own space/place/community. We are connected!


Absolutely gorgeous music, Gilad is so incredibly talented! Happy Anniversary to you! I'm happy to see you here--bloggers are dropping like flies and I miss their voices. But I am working on accepting CHANGE.

Kay Dennison

Lovely!!!!!!!! Happy Anniversary!!!! And what a great photo of you!!!!!!

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