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« Planning ahead | Main | Writing it down »

March 09, 2009



I love being able to stop by this blog to read your latest post but I'm also very excited to hear about the possibility of a more comprehensive memoir. I want to hear more about what makes you tick no matter where I have to go to hear it! Your ruminations are always inspiring to me.


Thanks for sharing where you are and to where you are shifting. Your blog is unique, and I savor musing over your musings. Sometimes I'm here often, sometimes months go by before I return. And return I do. And this is how I am with the myriad places/pursuits/questions/people/ideas that intrigue me. I have no doubt that we will meet in real time someday, somewhere. We share a lot and with interesting twists in the stories of our lives. A special hi to Ada.


i am in the process of letting go of my dear mother who left us 3 weeks ago as she passed on from this life. this was an interesting post for me. i am still dealing with deep sadness in letting her which will likely be stored inside me always to some degree, but one which is very intense at this moment.

best wishes to you as you explore memoir writing. i and others will miss your blogging but imagining you out there exploring is exciting. hopefully you will update us from time to time and when the memoir is done you will let us know so we can read it!

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