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April 10, 2009



yes, a change being as good as a rest, they say. my first reasoning was financial, coming to the end of the yearly contract seemed like a good time. when i actually clicked on the cancel button, i felt somehow relieved, that i'd come to the end of something and was ready to move on to something new.


Hello ainelivia. Thanks for the very good wishes. Much appreciated! I have updated your blog site on my list. Thanks for the update and good luck at your new blog site. I found it helped me so much when I created Mining Nuggets after being Tamarika for a couple of years!


Hey Tamar, welcome to the super, scintillating sixties, well almost. And what a wonderful celebration you have ahead of you. I'll be thinking of you on May 24th.

just to mention, have moved blog to


Dear friend,
Your words bring tears to my eyes. I have always been grateful for your friendship and support. Besides, you gave me that mirror - which i still have - and it still often saves my emotional life in those situations that pull me down. So, friendship works both ways.
Hugs and smiles and send love to those fabulous men in your life!

Donna Falcone

Love you back, TOmar!
Joe and I were driving back from NY and listening to Kate Wolf... suddenly Elephants and Pumas filled the room and it was beyond my control! I laughed out loud and wondered if you remembered how he changed that song??? He has a way of rewriting a song in an instant bout of silliness which changes the song forever and ever! LOL!

How did it happen that just yesterday you were holding my infant son... and then the next...? And now that you are nearly 60 Nathaniel is nearly 15, born the day after your 45th! And Matt will be learning how to drive in the coming weeks! I cannot wrap my mind around that so I don't try to understand how it is even possible, but I sure know it is... and also from Kate Wolf: I've been sifting through the layers of dusty books and faded papers... they tell a story I used to know... it was one that happened so long ago... I often wonder if you realize what a gift you have been to MY life. I often wonder how my life would have been different if you did not fill me with hot tea and Dan Fogelburg for weeks on end until finally you tossed one hand quickly into the air and proclaimed "ENOUGH! If you want to BE with JOE, then BE WITH JOE!" So simple, yet so complicated!!! So, your early birthday gift comes in the form of this reminder that you touched and changed my life... without you I would not have had the courage perhaps to love that man of mine... we would have perhaps had a much different outcome (as I can be VERY stubborn you know)... and these wonderful boys would have remained a dream in the sky. Melodramatic? Maybe... but true, and besides, birthdays are meant for drama!

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