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August 16, 2009


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Do you agree that travel must one day revert to being a luxury

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Of course, it is all the way down the line, for the present this one AC milan, certainly need two fronts rotation, "the third central defender" exactly is who?


Hello Josephine,
Thank you so much for your supportive comment! How nice to meet you here. I will soon be writing posts again - this is just a temporary time-out as I work out what I want to continue writing about :-)
Comments like yours certainly encourage me to continue!

Josephine Pizarro

I am sad to see you leave blogging. You were such an excellent article writer. You always look like you had such a fun life. You were an inspiration to me and my mother. I hope you return someday


Dear Jean,

A dear friend you are - truly - from the beginning of our Cyber journey! I agree with you about turning our feelings in upon our own minds and bodies. I have discovered all sorts of mind body connections during this past year's weight loss work. Indeed, it has been quite a therapeutic exploration! And I just keep on learning more and more about how "i" function. Fascinating stuff.

Thanks so much for your kind words. I appreciate your still reading me and commenting. Readership and comments, in particular, had decreased, there is no doubt about that. But, as MaryB, said in her comment there is much contentment in writing for oneself when one gets past the expectation of other readers.

I'll be looking out for you (always do...) and keeping in touch too.

Thanks so much for always being there. Indeed you have been there through some of my darkest hours!

Hugs and smiles from afar.

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