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October 25, 2009



Gee, savtadotty! Thanks so much for this ... but, actually ... I have found someone :-)


Bruce Buchanan, Philadelphia Child Guidance Center, 215-243-2797. Email me if that isn't enough info, or if the phone # doesn't work.


This time it does not feel scary, Donna, to find a new therapist. It is quite exciting actually.


I'm glad he was there with you... really WITH you... and that you found humor behind the walls as well. It can be very scary to not know what is coming... but to only know it is meant to scare the heck out of you (I never understood what draws people to things that scare them on purpose. I guess I've had enough of being scared to not seek it out). I know two very wonderful therapists here who may very well know someone in your area. I will ask them next week for names and contact info. I am wondering what it feels like to be seeking out a new therapist.. someone who is not Therapist Bob? I imagine it to be a little scary at best, but I could be so very wrong. If you blog it I will read!

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