2010 - a new decade - I feel as if I should be writing something about summing up the past decade or something like that. In fact, I am itching to write something ... just don't know what ... the past ten years feel very far away. In fact, I have to scratch my brain to remember only this past May and June - such significant months for me this year, in so many ways. One thing for sure that has happened to me this past decade is that I have become older. Time has taken on new meaning for me. Moments are more fleeting than ever before, the past becomes less important, the older I grow. And yet, if I start to sum up the past decade I am able to see some accomplishments, progress, perhaps? Although the nature, the essence of the concept of progress surely eludes me ...
Here follows my decade 2000-2010 list:
- I wrote three books, and two blogs
- Changed profession, and got promoted
- Moved to a different state
- Lost one or two, but mostly made new friends, while strengthening old friendships
- Became an Internet junky
- Lost weight twice and gained it back once
- Travelled a whole lot!
- Presented a whole lot!
- Lost my dearest friend to Cancer
- Lost my youth
- Found a new therapist, and realized that life is most certainly like an onion - I peel it off one layer at a time, and often I weep (my version of Carl Sandberg's quote)
- Wrote an article of my dreams
- Worked out and worked out and worked out
- Lost my Molly Mabel cat, but regained my darling Ada Mae
- Lost a professional empire, gained a new professional life
- Lost old myths, found new realities
- Cut my hair - I mean, really cut my hair
- Lost an old Hibiscus and gained a whole new one which blooms and blooms and blooms all winter long with gratitude at having been found
- Was very, very ill which made me appreciate life so much more
- Played Internet Scrabble with Shimon for 6 of the past 10 years ... and we are still playing ...
I know there is more to add to my list. I will probably need to add items that come to me during the course of the day as I head out to enjoy the end of 2009. For one thing, I am finally giving up my old stick-shift car (I have been using a stick-shift since I was 16 years old, 44 years ago when I first received my driver's license back in Bulawayo). Yes indeed it's true, this very day, I am purchasing a new car - just like my trusty old one - only this time it is automatic! And has all those new-agey-type features: automatic locks and on and on ...
So - Happy New Year to one and all, in the meantime - may we all experience Happy Days ahead!
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