2010 - a new decade - I feel as if I should be writing something about summing up the past decade or something like that. In fact, I am itching to write something ... just don't know what ... the past ten years feel very far away. In fact, I have to scratch my brain to remember only this past May and June - such significant months for me this year, in so many ways. One thing for sure that has happened to me this past decade is that I have become older. Time has taken on new meaning for me. Moments are more fleeting than ever before, the past becomes less important, the older I grow. And yet, if I start to sum up the past decade I am able to see some accomplishments, progress, perhaps? Although the nature, the essence of the concept of progress surely eludes me ...
Here follows my decade 2000-2010 list:
- I wrote three books, and two blogs
- Changed profession, and got promoted
- Moved to a different state
- Lost one or two, but mostly made new friends, while strengthening old friendships
- Became an Internet junky
- Lost weight twice and gained it back once
- Travelled a whole lot!
- Presented a whole lot!
- Lost my dearest friend to Cancer
- Lost my youth
- Found a new therapist, and realized that life is most certainly like an onion - I peel it off one layer at a time, and often I weep (my version of Carl Sandberg's quote)
- Wrote an article of my dreams
- Worked out and worked out and worked out
- Lost my Molly Mabel cat, but regained my darling Ada Mae
- Lost a professional empire, gained a new professional life
- Lost old myths, found new realities
- Cut my hair - I mean, really cut my hair
- Lost an old Hibiscus and gained a whole new one which blooms and blooms and blooms all winter long with gratitude at having been found
- Was very, very ill which made me appreciate life so much more
- Played Internet Scrabble with Shimon for 6 of the past 10 years ... and we are still playing ...
I know there is more to add to my list. I will probably need to add items that come to me during the course of the day as I head out to enjoy the end of 2009. For one thing, I am finally giving up my old stick-shift car (I have been using a stick-shift since I was 16 years old, 44 years ago when I first received my driver's license back in Bulawayo). Yes indeed it's true, this very day, I am purchasing a new car - just like my trusty old one - only this time it is automatic! And has all those new-agey-type features: automatic locks and on and on ...
So - Happy New Year to one and all, in the meantime - may we all experience Happy Days ahead!
The Happiest of New Years to you, Tamar - health, happiness, and as much prosperity as you can stand!
Posted by: Mary B | January 01, 2010 at 01:28 PM
Yes indeed, Mar, it was sad to bid farewell to my old trusted vehicle - but this morning I am enjoying tinkering with and getting to know my new traveling companion. I especially like the color - "opal sage metallic." It goes with the new decade starting today!
Posted by: tamarika | January 01, 2010 at 10:52 AM
Sorry to here about your sweet little car....bells and whistles are nice but there is something about simplicity that goes missing these days! Anyway, have fun with the new technology.
Posted by: Marion Barnett | January 01, 2010 at 10:17 AM