It is that time of the year to gather round my angels.
Here are two that Tom and I bought fifteen years ago - one for each of our apartments. He chose the burgundy one (faded now), and I the peachy colored (below). This year, my angel gets to head up our tree.
There are a number of angels that I have been collecting over the years:
Well, I have always thought that Ada is some kind of angel. This one I bought in an airport store years ago when I was missing my cat while traveling for some conference or other. Each year she shares our tree, even with a broken ear.
I found this antique angel made out of tin, in a quaint little store in Buffalo this past summer. She is complete with halo and trumpet. Just above her hangs a tiny angel made of straw. I found that one in Ten Thousand Villages, just up the road a-ways in our own Chestnut-Hill.
Update: Oops. I nearly forgot ... And, from the same store [Ten Thousand Villages], featured in the picture below, is a tiny little tin Angel (made in Kenya).
Each year I purchase Christmas tree ornaments from UNICEF. Many years ago, I found this delicate angel, in their catalog. She adorns the top branches of our tree every year since.
The angel with the blue rose. A student gave her to me at the end of the semester almost twenty years ago at the University at Buffalo. It was such a generous gift and gesture that, at the time, I did not have the heart to tell her I was a Jewish Atheist.
Trudging through the snow up to my knees, I just had to feed the birds of Fairmount Park in my back yard. They were gathered on the bushes puffed out and trembling with cold, waiting for me. It filled my heart with joy to throw out cups full of bird seed for them. One little sparrow came down to eat even before I was finished.
Perhaps Tom should
string me up on our tree!
I must say it feels kind of good
to be a sixty-year-old angel
of the birds,
with wet pajama knees this morning.
I am not a religious person
by any means,
but for some reason,
all this snow brings out
the spirituality in me ...
You see... that's the thing about Angels... all around you when you don't even realize sometimes... there they are.
Posted by: donna | December 28, 2009 at 02:24 PM
hope you are enjoying the delights of the season!
Posted by: sky | December 22, 2009 at 09:21 AM
I didn't know i collected them either - and yet - here they are!
Posted by: tamarika | December 21, 2009 at 11:48 AM
I didn't know you collected angels... what an amazing and meaningful collection... beautiful!
Posted by: donna | December 21, 2009 at 09:40 AM