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January 07, 2010



Always grateful that I wandered into your presentation that day. And for your books, your blog, and especially our friendship.


Dear Joy,
Thanks so much for these very kind words. Much appreciated.


Happy 5th Blogiversary Tamarika. Congratulations on this milestone my friend. You are a loving soul with a beautiful heart; and you always have many wonderful things to say....may you continue to say them. Love, Joy


Dear Frank. Thank you so much for linking to this post so generously on your blog! As always I am moved by your thoughtfulness and support of my blogging. I so enjoy accompanying you, too, as we dance through Cyberspace. Indeed, it was you, who introduced me to Twitter and Facebook. I have learned so much from you over the years and so often heartily agree with your points of view and ideas about - well, oh - everything, almost!


Happy fifth "bloggaversary" Tamar! I am happy that I was able to share some of this journey with you and I look forward to reading more of your work as time goes by. Today I'll steal a few of your thoughts and post them at Listics (duly acknowledged and credited, of course).

"Authenticity" is a concept that many find ephemeral these days. Sometimes it is more easily described with an example than with language lubricated by postmodern relativism. You write from the heart and provide us all with a good example of how to share our experiences authentically.

In 2010, as I struggle to revitalize my own blog in an expanded online world, I can wish for no better example of the way forward than "Mining Nuggets."

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