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January 14, 2010



Hi Jean,

Thanks so much for your comment. Yes, for all the reasons you cite here (because I think I might be one of those parents you talk about - supporting my child unconditionally but still seeing him so unhappy) - but also, in my work with parents and teachers I see that teachers never give parents a break. They are always angry with them - as if parents are supposed to be objective professionals at parenting or something!

Ho hum - oh well, the trick now will be to find a publisher who is willing to take the risk of this book with me!


That's a wonderful idea for a book! It breaks my heart that all my lovely friends who have kids - now mostly adult - feel guilty for the problems they feel their own shortcomings have caused their children. Of course, everyone has shortcomings and of course children are affected by the people they grow up with. But all my guilty friends love and support their children unconditionally. The parents with most cause for guilt (not that most of them did intentional harm either, of course - they're just messed up)rarely, in my experience, have enough self-awareness to feel guilty.

So, yes, I really wish you would write this - I haven't seen any such thing anywhere!

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