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« Leaping (Update) | Main | This emotional life »

February 19, 2010



I appreciate all these comments so much. Of course I have to feel out whether it is regret or remorse that I am experiencing of late - I hadn't thought of that! And that's why I adore your comments - more to think and feel about.

Elaine, so good to hear from you here. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings about this.

Elaine of Kalilily

Oh boy, do I identify with your experience! I watch my daughter bringing up my grandson (who is very much like my son was in his childhood days) and I'm realizing all of the things I should have done but didn't. Yes, I still love my son unconditionally as well. But his life might be much more stable and fulfilling now if I had known then what I know now.


OOOOh. No. Danny's right. The unconditional love is the only thing it's completely in your power to choose to give (if you have the clarity and self-awareness to see it, which many don't). All the rest, all the harsh vicissitudes of life and the painful results of one's own temperament: your kids have to do their best with those, just like you did. Of course you will have regrets. But not remorse, PLEASE. I believe that not loving is the only thing a parent needs to have remorse for.


Those things can be very helpful but the fact that you did (do!) love him unconditionally trumps all in my opinion.

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