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« Surrender to my Self ... | Main | March 1 »

February 28, 2010



Hi Danny,
I don't think I'm nursing resentment as much as I am thinking about trust issues and boundaries. In addition, I am learning that for me "giving" is much more complicated than just the gift ... it can be emotionally loaded depending on who is receiving and when ... motives, intentions, sub consciously or even consciously. Quite uncomfortable to confront these feelings and, more importantly, to understand where the "receivers" are coming from in their feelings.
Thank you so much for your comment.


Such an interesting post. While I don't think generosity could ever rightfully be called an "error," it seems like you're really talking about trust issues and your own boundaries. I think the squirrel thing is the perfect analogy. I've never left food out for squirrels but I can relate to that "they'd die if it weren't for me" line of thinking. Do you find yourself nursing a lot of resentment after one of your "giving" jags? I do think you're being too hard on yourself (another quality I can relate to!). Far better to err on the side of slightly obsessive "giving" than not to give a shit at all. And if anyone ever felt "raped" by your kindness (yuck, I hate that she said that to you!), it is just as much THEIR issue as yours--actually more theirs! All so interesting to think about--thank you!

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