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March 06, 2010



ainelivia, I so enjoy my IPhone that I cannot imagine it frustrating anyone. I wish you well to use it, if and when you finally decide to.:-)

Thank you, both ainelivia and sky for your support. I suppose you can tell that I am struggling a bit lately regarding my past parenting skills.


i agree with you totally. we have our dreams and children have theirs. too many parents want their children to live their parental dreams, especially those dreams which were never realized during their own lives. :(

your dedication to your work is apparent in your blog posts and on FB. it is exciting to involve ourselves in work which brings such reward.


This is wonderful Tamar, you are a parent (and a person) who understands that the best way, the best journey is the one we make for ourselves, and you learned this along your way.

see you got to grips with technology, my Christmas iPod is still in it's box; it's only had one outing, and frustrated me so much, I nearly sold it on Ebay, but I'm not giving up, yet. Oh no.

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