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March 27, 2010


Linda Hillin

So well said. I am heart sick by all of it. I am very proud of my vote for Barack Obama but I've taken a lot of heat for voting for him. I stand by my vote.

Michael Mlodozeniec

In some parts of the country - particularly in the West there seems to bhe significantly less racism against African Americans. By NO means am I saying to doesn't exist - just less than cities out East. When I go back to Buffalo racism against African Americans is much more evident. I think people out here (out West) are more polarized for or against a different minority, specifically Hispanics. Threfore, I don't think bigotry is behind the hatred towards Obama. I think this is a simplistic view to take. What I think is really going on is a hatred between democrats and republicans. I think the republicans, who so completely f***ed up for 8 years and their conservative supporters, are so angry that they are no longer in power that they will do anything to derail Obama and the democrats.

Kay Dennison

I have been blogging my heart out on this. It puts me crazy. My nice young Congressman, his family, and his staff have all had death threats because he voted for the bill. He voted for the bill because he asked us and we said he should. And Sarah Palin has put him on her PAC's 'hit list' for the November elections.

This isn't the America I was taught to support and believe in!


Yes Tamar, it is sad, frustrating and maddening, trying to hold on to those little bits of light, in the midst of this maelstrom of ignorance and bigotry, and wondering where it is coming from. Well said.

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