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March 01, 2010



i wonder at anyone thinking anyone on earth ever gets "it" totally right! delusional, in my opinion, and quite sad the day she could awake and see the truth. so much in life she might have forgone along the way while holding out for perfection. :<


I thought it was an interesting way of looking at parenting from that student's perspective ... "getting it right!" She might be an over achiever, perhaps, or has had an awful childhood herself, or perhaps does not like what she sees with other parental behaviors ... who knows.
But I do think it is a kind of arrogance to believe that we can get it right if only we follow certain steps, instructions that the media, our own parents, teachers, and/or others suggest ... I agree ... "what does that mean?" ... to get it right?
These are obviously issues I am facing within myself lately ... or haven't you noticed?
Smiles and so much enjoyment from your comments, all! Thank you so much for reading my recent "ramblings" and wonderings.

Marion Barnett

Kids don't need parents who "get it 100% right" just need to be a good enough parent....that's all! No more, no less.


I hope you're not thinking that the student's comment is anything but sad. Good for her for knowing that she doesn't want kids but her reasoning is way off. Getting it right?? What does that even mean? I would say that the only "arrogance" you could show would be to believe you got it wrong!

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