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April 30, 2010



Good point, Jan.

Yes of course people do remember the warm fuzzies too, and we see it time and again in the classroom - beautiful compassionate guidance moments. And, of course, it helps if teachers are treated better with more support and respect from their administrators as well - no question about it.

On the other hand, our brain, in order to keep us alive and help us survive, tends to hold onto those negative emotional memories to alert us to danger.

So important to build positive nurturing experiences for children so that the brain might hold onto those more than the negative ones.

Awareness, self-reflection is key. To help us sift out how we are blocked when confronted by strong emotional responses in disciplinary situations with young children in our care.

Jan Delacourt

It strikes me that those negative feelings of childhood seem so much more powerful than the positive ones- how come? Is it possible ALSO to remember the warm fuzzies, and re-enter that cocoon for a moment of peace and relaxation? I wasn't very good at providing those spaces as a teacher until I had other adult support in the classroom. Being together is better!

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