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May 15, 2010


Marion Barnett

I bet you will certainly FEEL happiness differently....with the fear lessened.


I was laughing at the thought of super glue on the soles of my feet! But, honestly, it is a relief. It feels good to be holding still with this stuff. It is not traumatic - just a struggle - a negotiation with myself.

The feelings of fear or discomfort are very internal and reflective. It does not feel stormy or explosive.

Sometimes, I am very, very sad to think of all the wasted youth spent on hiding my authentic self with fears.

But, in the end, I realize, that's a little bit how life goes. Somehow I have gained the courage to work through this, now that I am older. Maybe I could have more fun now - before I die!!! Just a thought, that is.

Marion Barnett

I like that thought..."hold still with the fear and discomfort"....
I guess as the authentic or true self is challenged to integrate with our true feelings, the made-up self (made up with what others told us about who we are and how to react,the one that gets angry, eats, and runs away) is weakened and gradually loses power over our true self. You might consider super glue on the soles of your feet for this next bit of therapy!

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