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July 26, 2010



so very beautiful. it must feel very comforting, too, to have something close by that has brought you such pleasure for many years.


Dear Jean,
What kind words you say about me! Thanks so much. I know, it is strange, such a big house and having to acquire new things for it at this stage in my life. But I must say we are having fun with it! I hope that one day you might visit us in Philadelphia and stay in our guest room, which is right across from my lovely study and yoga room.
Thanks for always being there - reading my blog - still - after all these years!


Tamar, I'm reading with great interest all your posts about the new house and some of your favourite pieces. I kind of don't quite know what to say - actually living in such a large and beautiful house is so very far beyond anything I have ever known: a different world. But, on the one hand, I do know that material comfort is a lovely thing but doesn't make much difference to all the other difficulties life throws at us. And most of all, of course, I'm glad it's you, who work so hard and are so talented and lovely, who has this gorgeous place!!

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