Quote of the day:
We all walk the long road. Cannot stay ... There's no need to say goodbye ... all the friends and family, all the memories going round, round, round ... I have wished for so long ... how I wished for you today ... Eddie Vedder.
On the eve of therapy what can I say? I start to feel the excitement of my one precious hour of the week where I get to say what I feel, and it is acceptable and valid. And yet ... when I arrive at the door, thoughts and feelings fly out the window and I am left sitting on the corner of the couch silent and shy - ashamed that I might be taking up too much time, thinking "Gee, surely he has something better to do than listen to my whining and complaining?"
By the end of the session somehow I have mined a nugget, discovered something I was aware of somewhere in my psyche, but did not quite know how to put into words, and I stumble out to my car - air seems clearer than when I went in, sky bigger, brain whirling and swirling as I drive away.
And, all the while my perceptions and actions are being ever so slightly tweaked. I find that I approach problems, or I hear someone a little differently. Sometimes I even sense my brain shifting, hear my heart opening - making room for new options.
And then ...
one week later ...
it starts all over again ...
A year ago at Mining Nuggets: The "turning sixty" compilation
Oh how i agree with this, left my session yesterday, walking taller and the twinge in my right knee had gone too...
Posted by: ainelivia | September 30, 2010 at 05:50 AM