Evening falls after a day of sneezing, wheezing and coughing. Eyes smarting and body aching, shivering and shaking. This woman has a cold! Slipping into the humble tub in the gold onyx tiled bathroom luke warm water rises up to greet me, lapping up against and around me. It feels friendly. Comforting. For awhile the spluttering and nose blowing ceases. I wonder, "Does an infant feel this comforted in her daily bath?" I was an infant once. A babe in a bath. This cold hit me right when I least expected. I mean I was on a roll! Commuting, working, computing, writing, teaching, professing, managing, cleaning, hair-cutting, therapy-ing, gardening, enjoying, planning, dreaming, walking, meditating ... and then ... my body said, "Stop!" I guess it wants me to listen to what it has to say. But I had been too busy to notice. And so, now, I stop. I turn off the computer and join the potted plants on the porch, surrounding my Self with: hoya, hibiscus, spider plants, ferns and such, christmas cactus, violets, orchids ...
I write with a pencil on a white sheet of paper, enjoying the texture, the feel of the softened lead against the notepad.
A hot cup of tea accompanies me as I sit in the settling dusk, and I write to listen to my body.
A year ago at Mining Nuggets: Dream visitor
Ah, you are right where you should be.
Posted by: Elaine of Kalilily | October 17, 2010 at 11:20 PM