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January 04, 2011



Dear Joy,
Thank you so much for stopping by! It's amazing how we have all continued blogging through all the changes swirling around us!
Best wishes,


I'm a little late. I almost missed your 6th Blogaversary Tamarika. Congratulations on this milestone. Many things have changed in the blogosphere in those years...I feel it too. We may not visit back and forth as much as we did, but I still appreciate the warmth and sincerity of blogging friends like you. Cheers! ~Joy


Hi there, Jean. I love this comment so much. It taps so perfectly into how I am feeling about all of this. Isn't it amazing that you and I have been blogging for this long? The beauty of it is that we became friends through it, too!
Much love,


Happy sixth anniversary, Tamar! Gosh that must mean that my sixth is next month - where did those six years go?

All my best wishes for your memoir project. Such a deeply personal undertaking - I kind of think it must probably take the shape and the time that it needs to. You can open you heart and mind and do lots of things to help the memories flow, of course, and I'm sure the retreat with Natalie Goldberg will be amazing. But then, who knows where it will all take you, and how much you'll be able to control it - and it might be most exciting and worthwhile if you can't...


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