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« Speaking of anger ... | Main | Home again ... »

January 29, 2011



Ha, ha - I am sure the young man's intentions were completely honorable and pure. In fact, I have no doubt about that.

I was more alarmed at my reaction! It was a riot!

Yes, Freda, in the end we had a wonderful lunch at our favorite Japanese restaurant about a block away!


i suspect his mother taught him to offer "ladies" a seat in such situations. your gray hair may make you look older than you feel to some eyes, but i doubt the offer was age related. a gentleman's offer would be more like it!


I've now got to the stage where I am happy enough to say thank you and sit down!! But then I am at the stage of carrying too much weight and too many wrinkles. Hope you got to eat somewhere nice after all.


My guess is that the guy felt guilty sitting there while a lady of any age was standing--it's too hard to imagine that he offered you a seat because he thought you "needed" it! But I totally get what you're saying about the disparity between inside and out. I often forget completely that I'm 51 until I'm confronted by some reminder from the outside looking in like the woman yesterday who saw me walking with Charlie and said loudly, "Awww, Grandpa's day out!" Oy.

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