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« From the inside looking out | Main | Loving the unloveable »

February 22, 2011



Hope all is continuing to go well for your Mother. The distance can be a deterrent to frequent visits.

Does your Mother have access to Skype? I enjoy using it with my family here free in the States, but believe there are international connections, though may be charges.


Thanks so much, Sky. Your comment is much appreciated especially at this time.


just a note to say i am thinking about you and your mom and family. i hope she will regain her strength. being 3,000 miles away from my mother for the six years before her death, i understand your desire to be there, especially when she is vulnerable and ill. it was so hard for me to be so far away when mother was in such a fragile state. i know this is a huge challenge, and my heart reaches out to you.


Dear Jean,
How right you are! And in fact a few of us did feel uncomfortable about it. But I think we all learned a lot about so many aspects about our mother and death and dying.

Dear Marion,
Yes. I have been thinking already of when would be a good time for me to return to visit my mother this year. It's a good feeling, mixed in with the sadness of her situation, of course.

Dear Christa and Joy - thank you so much for stopping by with your supportive wishes for me and my family. Very much appreciated.


I'm glad to hear your mom made it through the pneumonia..that can be so hard on an elderly person. At least she is home now, and I know she feels better about that. I hope she continues to recover and feels better with each day. Take care Tamar... ~Joy

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