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March 26, 2011



Thanks for the good wishes, Christa. It feels good to be on the mend!


Oh so sorry you're so ill. But the best thing is to listen to your body and rest. Life will pick up where you left off once you're feeling well again. Take care of yourself. But you're right, you're not to blame. . . these things just happen. All you can do now is relax and wait till the damned flu moves on to some other unsuspecting victim. Meanwhile, let your poor body
get what it needs right now: rest and TLC.

~ Christa ♥


You got it, babe! Flu it is! A huge whopping dose of it!

Marion Barnett

You sound like you have FLU. You used to tell me everyone needs a case of the FLU once in a slow down, to challenge your immune system(my chiropractor's reasoning), to be vulnerable, etc. It's been a long winter with plenty of stress for you.....enjoy the FLU!

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