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« Mind or body? | Main | Wisdom of the age »

April 10, 2011


Christa ♥

Wow! Did I need to read this today. Thank you all for sharing your experiences. There are times when I feel as if I'm the only one going through this journey of self. I'm 62 and I always thought by now I'd have it all figured out. Wrong! I feel inspired to get up and just "be" today. Just enjoy this lovely day. And not feel as if I have to "fix" something. Thank you ladies!

~ Christa ♥


In "the program" they call this the god-hole, that empty space we try to fill with drugs or booze or food or just about anything else it's possible to go all OCD over. As a lit student, I understand the image. As an atheist, I'd like a better name for it. Regardless, it's uncomfortable at best. At worst it's a self esteem killer that reinforces depression. Fresh air and exercise, gardening, spring time... all curative. Scrabble too, of course.


I think some holes can never be filled and one must simply accept their existence. Recognizing them may preclude the expectation the hole must be filled.

Sweet Girl Tracie

I hear and understand you on this. In the past year, I have been on a constant learning about myself and finding out things about my personality that I was never aware of. It is scary at first, then once I was aware, I begin to embrace it and use them as my strengths in life.


Hi Elaine,
Thanks for sharing this journey with me, and telling me about it! Very much appreciated because it all becomes much less lonely this way ...

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