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May 15, 2011


Sweet Girl Tracie

I did not know where to comment so I am leaving a comment here. I saw the photographs of "Land of My Fathers" and "Janna's Classroom". Both albums are wonderful. I enjoyed the photographs of Kahal Shalom immensely.

Also, was the study of Amaril and the sunflower, was that an investigative study that is based on the Reggio Emilia Philosophy? I am really fascinated and study Reggio Emilia investigative studies.


It surely does not rule out the desire to write a memoir. Indeed, it sweetens it. I cannot wait ... or have I already begun?

Sweet Girl Tracie

I totally understand that. Within the last year, I lost 2 grandparents in a very short time and have no grandparents left in my life. I have been grieving their losses through the memories that I will cherish forever.


Great post, T.


That sounds fantastic, but I hope it doesn't rule out your desire to write a memoir. If you feel more at peace with the events and drama of your past, writing about it could be an even more helpful process for yourself and your potential readers, don't you think?
P.S. Your house looks SO magnificent and like a real oasis of beauty and calm--I can't wait to visit it some day.

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