I simply cannot imagine life without blogging. In fact, I have been blogging for about six and a half years. That's all. And yet, I cannot imagine the years prior. What on earth did I do with all those thoughts, feelings, and ideas? Well, yes, I kept personal journals, wrote papers, a dissertation and books, articles, columns ... And yet ...
Blogging is different. For me it is personal and public at one and the same time. It helps me hone my writing skills, and has given me a venue for self expression in a way that none of the other writing areas did. Feedback is sometimes immediate, but more than that, it is a place where I feel included, connected, belonging, and accepted. A virtual umbilical cord to the universe!
Perhaps because it is un-real, detached from human face-to-face-ness, I am able to let down my guard, and play at allowing myself the intimacy of connection. For, intimacy has been a struggle for me. No doubt about it. It renders me vulnerable to rejection, opens me up to hope of love, and shakes and quakes the core of who I am. When I blog I put my Self out there - dangle me in the universe - offer my frailties and flaws for public inspection, opening up and exploring me emotionally and psychologically. I am able to practice at being intimate in a safe space ... out in cyber space. I invite the reader in to bear witness to my personal ethnography.
I share me ... virtually.
It is exciting. Exhilarating. It feels even a little dangerous - risky. Each time I survive another post, sometimes even with the appreciation, love and acceptance of some readers who float by out there, I gain more courage to open up further.
And - do you know?
I think I just might be applying some of what I learn, virtually, in my real life ...
A year ago at Mining Nuggets: Blogging back ...
Thank you all for stopping by to comment. Sharing your own stories, and your general encouragement and support of my writing keeps me keeping on!
Posted by: tamarika | June 26, 2011 at 12:27 PM
I love this post so much Tamar...and completely agree with your thoughts about blogging. So many of my blogging friends have stopped...or have gone on hiatus and still haven't returned. I'm glad you're not one of them. I'll continue until I don't enjoy it anymore; but right now.... I can't imagine when that would be.
Posted by: Joy | June 25, 2011 at 04:39 PM
I am with you on blogging, Tamar.
I started blogging almost a year ago in July after going through a horrible experience and time in my life. I started the blog to share my thoughts, ideas and also reach out to people who may have gone through the same experience like me. I found out that there are! Now, I have connections with blogger friends in different parts of the country.
Most importantly, blogging has made me an even stronger activist where I can stand firm on my principles and beliefs. I have no idea what I would do without blogging and writing in my life. It really helped me become stronger, not just mentally but emotionally where I am able to connect my thoughts, ideas and experiences for others to see.
Posted by: Sweet Girl Tracie | June 23, 2011 at 10:58 PM
I'm grateful you never gave it up as SO many people have in recent years. I love the way you share parts of yourself on here--there's always something helpful and inspiring.
Posted by: Danny | June 23, 2011 at 07:26 PM
I'm with you all the way, Tamar.
Posted by: Elaine of Kalilily | June 23, 2011 at 05:06 PM