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July 26, 2011


Sweet Girl Tracie

Actually, I go back in time to my own early childhood years and remember what I was like. I begin reflecting on my experiences with my family, friends and also being so shy. Then I begin reflecting on how those experiences by examining my strengths and weaknesses.


Yes I agree about the inappropriate "goings on" in schools. But this post is more personal in nature than professional. Thanks for your comment, Sweet Girl Tracie.

Sweet Girl Tracie

Have these thoughts recently come up as a result to all of the changes in early childhood and kindergarten classrooms today?
I sometimes think back to my early childhood years and remember what I was doing as young lassie. Now when I am specifically in kindergarten classrooms, I do not see anymore fantasy or socio-dramatic play or movement. I see a lot more reading and writing and pushing to limits that may not be developmentally appropriate for all children that age. It breaks my heart to see what a typical kindergarten classroom curriculum has become.

I cringe when I see young children sitting in their desks/tables for at least 20 minutes being asked to do work that is way above their heads.

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